A Family Trained Hedge Witch-The Elements

A Hedge Witch and the Elements

I think many have the idea that a hedge witch is someone who lives and breathes herbs, or is simply a kitchen witch. In my family tradition, a hedge witch is someone who lives and works with the elements and psychism daily. My family tradition defines witchcraft as being able to work with all the forces of nature, those in the real world and those not in the real world.

For those that follow my blog, you will remember my entry titled Weather magic with clairvoyance in time and space. In that entry, I described how I built my relationship with the Element of Air. In this entry, I will further elaborate on that experience by stating I believe the direction and the element are separate things. The direction of East is the realm where the Element of Air lives. This precept is fundamental to how I work with the elements.

First of the elements as we walk the circle is Air.

So, what is Air? Breathing, or weather? Certainly, those are its most basic functions, however, the air has components. These components are part of air yet much more than just basic air. The components of Air are; the wind, a storm, lightning, weather, and the atmosphere, and each has a different function, action, reaction, and spirit. Each has a different feel, different energy, different smell. Each reacts differently when you speak to them or ask something of them, and some may even make requests of you in return.

Other aspects and components of Air are flight, levitation, psychism, invisibility, thought and sound, intellect, energy, intent, dreams, and my favorite, the astral planes.

The element of Air is the breath of life. When we are born the first thing, we do is gasp for breath, without it, there is no life. As without so within, meaning if the planet is not able to breathe it will not survive either.

East, the realm air lives in and is guarded by, is the place of dawn, it births a new day for us each time the sun rises, this makes it the realm of light. For me, its ritual tool is the wand. We wave it in the air and direct energy and use it to send energy and intent. Wands are typically wood, meaning trees that create oxygen and live in the sky. So this makes sense to me.

Next, as we move around the circle is Fire.

The Element of fire lives in The Direction of the South, it is the place of heat volcanos, deserts, and the sun. The Direction of South is the holder and guardian of the flame and the flame is the spark of life.

Many of us think of actual fire when we address the South and the Element of fire. Many forget the greatest fire our planet experiences, the sun. The sun is the fire that keeps this planet going. Without the sun’s heat, we, the plants, and animals could not live.

At Imbolc, the sun heats the earth just enough that the plants hidden in the earth quicken just a little. The energy of the quickening can be felt by those who are sensitive to it. The energy of the quickening is an energy of expectation, pregnancy, and re-birth. This energy is put forth by all living things, and we feel it as the hope of spring and the spark of life.

Each flame or fire transforms the things it burns to nutrient-rich soil through the ash it creates. The sun then turns into new growth. As the sun rises each day after a fire, we again see the dawn of a new day and feel its promise. This makes Flame and the sun, the actuators of rebirth. When you think of it the act of rebirth is both destruction and creation. Flame is transformative, for no one, no thing, is the same after being touched by flame. It is cleansing and purifying and like our sun it is both creator and destroyer, giver, and taker.

We humans would not be here today without either. We usually think only of what flame takes from our lands and not what it gives back. There are components of flame too, dryness, heat, intensity, stillness and sudden and fierce movement, blasts of energy and heat. All things that occur before a fire or during very hot sunny days.

In my practice, the athame is the tool for fire. The Athame is created by fire, a sword or knife are often used in an act of passion, destruction, or creation, and all are attributes of flame and the realm of the South.

Our hearts are the fire within us. Our hearts drive our passion, our desires. It drives our will to live, and each has a different spirit and energy that can be felt, noticed, watched, and interacted with. We consider something is alive when we can hear its heartbeat. Like the sun our heart warms us. It is the engine of our bodies, as the sun is the engine to our planet. Our hearts drive our energy, it gets our blood pumping like the sun does for the planet in the quickening, making fire the spark of life. Again, as without so within.

Following around the circle we are now in the West, which is water.

What do most of us think when we think of water? Drinking it, a river, the ocean, emotions?

Ever consider how we carry water with us every day? And I do not mean in a plastic bottle. Our very bodies are 2/3rds water and so is our planet, again as without so within. Water in my tradition is the great nourisher of our bodies, our planet, and our very souls.

Ever notice how sitting next to running water soothes most people? That is water soothing our souls. We are carried in water for 9 months in the womb and our planet cannot flourish without water. In short, we cannot live or come into the world without water.

Water is the birth of all living things. Our bodies die without water, this makes it the nourisher of our bodies. Water is also for cleansing and not just in the spiritual sense. We use it to clean all the time without a thought.

Water purifies and dilutes, which is what it does as we sit next to it and feel soothed. It dilutes our stress, purifies our thoughts calms our passions. Water represents the waves of our emotions, our tears, our moods, and holds our soul.

Water gives us rain, nourishing the planet. It provides fog and humidity which in its way also provides water to nourish the planet in which we live. Fog, humidity, rain, and ice are all parts of water. All with a different job to do and each has a different energy and spirit, different actions, and reactions within our atmosphere. Each of them can be worked with if one pays attention and builds a relationship with them.

The realm of the West is the place of thresholds, liminal space. Liminal space is the between spaces and places. The West and Water both, are the dark realms, not just because of the depts of the oceans but because that is where the sun sets each day. In ritual, the tool for water is the challis, the bowl, and any vessel holding the water or drink to be used.

The last element in the circle is Earth.

Earth is the mother of our bodies she is the great provider of all. Earth is both life and death in the great cycle. Without Earth there is nothing. No plants, no food, no place to live, no air, no fire, no water, no us, for she holds it all. We are born here, it is the home of our bodies and she provides our very way of life in all aspects.

She is the great womb from whence all things are born. Including the other elements. There is no breathable air or atmosphere in space, no fire or flame except the sun, and no plants or animals. All those things may exist on another planet but not so much in space itself. As a hedge witch, I see the other elements as parts of the earth, individual, but parts just the same. The Earth provides the plants, which provides oxygen, Earth holds the water, also partially made of oxygen, Earth and her natural cycles, of heat and cooling help, provide rain, ice and all-weather. She provides what fire burns. Without her gases, there is no atmosphere it is her breath and ours, as without so within.

Like any mother, she provides all that we, her children need. She allows us to live on her, to flourish, or run rampant. She has her way of telling us she has had enough to by using her elements of storms, fires, floods, drought, or famine to speak to us if we listen.

Daily she gives us hints as to what the weather will be like. She tells us what needs to be watered, or tended to, her children the plants are signaled by her to show us their needs we can see when a plant begins to droop or turn brown. Animals are signaled by her to show us their needs for food, water, or shelter. The land talks too, is it dry? does it need to be fed? tilled or raked? All signaled by her if we watch, listen to feel, and speak to her.

The Great Mother also takes all our woes, our energy our garbage, and our bodies back into her and turns it back into something full of life for she is the great regenerator of all things, the place of life and death and everything in between. Earth represents stability, home, hearth, health, and prosperity in all aspects of life and for all living things.

The realm of the North is the realm of creation and destruction, home of the gnomes, home to all things ice, all things magnetic, home to fluctuating energies, and is the gateway to the cosmos. The tool I prefer to use in ritual for North is the staff. It stabilizes us as we walk on the earth, it is born on the earth and holds and directs earth energy.

In ritual as I begin calling the elemental quarters, I draw up the sacred connections I have with each one. I draw their awesome powers within me till they vibrate then I begin my vocal call to them loaded with those vibrations. I let those vibrations channel through any tool I may have in my hand as well.

Such are the relationships, I as a hedge witch, hold with the elements. Their realms and their tools are alive and a way of being. They help me live with the forces of nature each day. They make it possible to call them on a moment’s notice if there is a need. I remain aware and mindful that each element and each realm is symbiotic to the other. For one cannot exist without the other, just like in our bodies. We and the elements have symbiotic need of each other as is represented in the saying, As above, So below. As without, So within, So the universe, So the soul.



This was a question asked in a zoom group this week. My reply was a resounding yes!

I have been an active lucid dreamer since I can remember. My dreams are everything to me. They guide my life, solve my problems, teach me magic and take me to wonderous places. My world is not complete unless I have my dreams, they are such a huge part of me and my magical practice. In my book Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, which will be released February 2022, I wrote an entire chapter devoted to dreams where you will see how and why they are so important to me.

Dreams are the cornerstone of spirituality; they are its creation and continuation. Many of our magical practices that have been recorded over time were inspired by dreams.

I am in quite a few Pagan groups on Facebook and one of the most common questions asked is to have someone interpret their dream. Reading and learning from others is very beneficial and will teach you a lot. Such activities will give you the language of dreams and teach you the basic concepts.

However, in the end, only you know the real meaning of your dreams. The symbols in the dream are the symbols your mind and spirit relate to. While it is beneficial to discuss them with others who may be able to provide some clues and insight, your dreams are about how they made you feel, what they made you think, and the best way to interpret their meaning is by meditating on them or writing about them.

Being used to spiritual dreams, I was merely curious one morning two years ago, as I woke with a lingering dream. In the dream, I was instructed to make a body oil to anoint myself and to use it on January 20th with the chant I was taught in the dream. The why came when I turned on the computer to discover there was going to be a major planet alignment on that day. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury began their alignment and visibility in December and their zenith was on January 20th their movement of descent, continued on through February. During that time there had also been a four-inch shift in the Ocean floor off the coast of Oregon and the full moon was on the next day on the 21st of January.

To a witch like me, that is a lot of cosmic movement and energies. I know such movements and energies affect us even if it is subtle. I had been feeling this energy build for weeks and wondering about its cause. The morning after this dream the energy was such a good feeling energy it inspired me to raise my arms, open myself and take it in. I used this energy in all my works the rest of the day.

As a Witch, I desire to discover the properties and characteristics of such forces so I can connect with them for magical uses. To me, the main definition of witchcraft is working with the forces of nature. So, I went pouring over my book of shadows and other books to reveal the magic within this energy. By the time I was done reading I had the correspondences of each of the planets, their Deity, the Deities characteristics, and the corresponding Tarot card meaning and number for each.

This information tells me more about the specifics of the natural force. This knowledge educates me more on what I am about to do and why as I connect it all together. All this research and gathering increases my focus and the results of my magic. Then I take all the information and infuse it into my incantation and potion. It rather reminds me of Cerridwen’s year-long potion.

You say that is a lot of work for an oil you dreamed of. True. However, the research into things, what they are, what they symbolize; deepens our understanding, our knowledge and reconnects us to the natural world in a very tangible way. This work allows the energies within us to align with the energy of the cosmos, rebuilding the mystery, the awe, the power, the sacredness within us. To me, this kind of work is the craft part of witchcraft, among other things.

Now, do I do this kind of research and correspondence work for all the dreams I follow? No. Do I do such correspondence research for each bit of magic I do? No. There is a time and place for all things. Some days I might simply commune with a blade of grass as I reflect on a dream. Others I may only journal and meditate on and leave for another day. Tapping my intuition, exploring how the dream made me feel, and letting certain elements of the dream guide what I will do, has worked very well for me, and provided many wondrous things I never would have thought of on my own.



My Favorite Poppy

California poppy

By Cat Gina Cole

The Spanish name given this flower is Dornidera. It is known as the drowsy one and is the California state flower. Like any true Californian, this flower worships the sun and closes up tightly at night.

The California Poppy has been recognized for its effects on mental, emotional, spiritual levels for enhancing vitality and warmth surrounding the heart. It is also known to provide self-acceptance and self-awareness for those who are often attracted to the glitz and glamor of others.

To find spirituality within one’s heart or to encourage self-responsibility and quiet inner development use as a flower essence. This Poppy has calming effects with no opioids, it is completely non-narcotic or habit-forming, it inhibits the loss of dopamine that stabilizes mental ability. The parts used are the root, seeds, and the leaves. Harvest is best at full flower maturity.

Following are descriptions of how and why this herb works.

CALIFORNIA POPPY ACTIONS: anodyne, calmative, possibly mydriatic ( dilates the pupils), nervine, analgesic, nerve tonic, adaptogen ( increases bodies resistance to stress) antidepressant, sedative, antispasmodic, antimicrobial.

CALIFONIA POPPY CONTAINS; chelirubine, sanguinarine, macropine, flavenglycerides, cryptopine, some sedative alkaloids highest in the root (but no real opium)

CALIFONIA POPPY USES; sedative, mental stability, pain relief, dry up lactation, toothaches, insomnia, hair tonic, nerve tonic, poultice for sores, headache, ease anxiety, remedy for ADHD, stomach aches, kill head lice, treatment for S.A.D.

I make a simple tincture of California Poppy by filling a jar of herb I buy from an apothecary with 80 proof vodka. I seal the jar tight keep it in a cool dark place and turn over and shake it once a week for four weeks. I use this tincture to keep me calm before public speaking or any other anxious times I may have. I do have ADD and it really does work well to help calm and focus the mind. Research backs this up and shows good results when given to treat ADHD as it improves intellectual capacity, memory, concentration and soothes the hyperactivity of the system. I have even made the tincture in glycerin for kids that have had good results from it.

The leaves were chewed by the indigenous people of California for toothaches The Pomo Indians rubbed the mashed seed pods or a decoction of the herb on a woman’s breasts to dry up lactation. The plant was given to babies as a sedative and placed under the bed for better sleep. Other tribes decocted the plant in its powder form and rubbed it into the hair to kill head lice. The root juice was taken for stomach aches and to fight TB and used as a wash for weeping sores.

Today some Californians of Spanish heritage, cook the plant in olive oil to make a hair tonic that makes the hair grow thick and shiny. You can even diffuse it in a room to promote sleep. The herb relieves nerve and muscular pain slows the pulse and eases a spasmodic cough. Research shows the California Poppy nourishes the nervous system and pain pathways. Using the root is not recommended for kids under 12.

To make a tea, use 2-3 tbsp. of herb per cup of water. Dosing for a tincture is 15- 25 drops daily for mild pain or ADD symptoms and up to 30 -40 for more severe pain, one herbalist stated they personally use ½ dropper of tincture straight, no water, that is also about what I use. This is a rather mild herb so the tincture is typically made from the whole plant, stems, seeds, leaves, roots, and flowers. Slightly crush root and seeds if you are using them then strain through a coffee filter or fine cheesecloth.

CALIFONIA POPPY MAGIC; Gender- feminine, Planet- Moon, Element Water, Deities- Hypnos and Demeter

Powers- fertility, love, sleep, money, luck, invisibility

They are also eaten or carried to promote fertility, attract luck and money. At one time poppy seed heads were gilded and worn as talismans to draw wealth. The seeds are also added to food to induce love or are used in love sachets.

If you wish to know the answer to a question, write it in blue on a piece of white paper. Place this inside a poppy seed pod and put it beneath your pillow. The answer will appear in a dream. I found one reference that said if you soak poppy seeds in wine each day for five days while fasting you will be able to make yourself invisible at will. Magic is such a fascinating thing.

Weather magic with clairvoyance in time and space

In last week’s entry, I mentioned I would publish an article on weather magic with an example on clairvoyance in time and space in the Autumn edition of the Green Egg Magazine. Due to space that article will now appear here this week. I hope you enjoy it!

With climate change and the massive fires raging it is no surprise Weather magic is the topic of conversation. The main concern being how to bring rain without lightning.

My grandmother began teaching me the elements for agricultural reasons. “Witches have been called on for weather for a long time,” she would say.

It is actually easy for many to “call rain, but to do so without lightning or flooding is not so easy. 

There are two things I see missing from most weather magic events, practitioners failing to give respect to the elements for responding and then forgetting to send them happily back to their realm. Not doing the latter is usually when we get flooding.

 To prevent flooding or lightning, it is important to have knowledge of, and a relationship with, the atmosphere. Yes, the atmosphere. It is the natural force that holds all our weather, it is the guardian and keeper of all weather here on Earth.

A practitioner of weather magic, if skilled, will have a relationship with the spirit of the atmosphere. They will be able to sense its subtle ways of responding in order to determine what is allowed and what is not. In weather magic, you can ask and direct weather patterns but there is no controlling how much weather you get when you do call it. No matter how many people are doing the work, Mother Nature alone makes that decision.

The biggest danger in weather magic is working it without a care for the long-range effects. Doing weather magic goes way beyond just asking for rain. Air temperature, the electricity in the air, air currents, barometric pressure, the weather front that is coming in behind the weather front we want to move and more, all play a part. You need a relationship and experience with all of those things to be successful.

A practitioner needs to know that there is no stopping some forms of weather like lightning, mudslides, fire, or flood. They are always eager to come out and play at a moment’s notice and will do as they please when loose. This is why it is very important that the practitioner is aware of what rain, wind, flood, fire, mudslide, and lightning are and have great respect for them like you would a wild animal.

To successfully hold lightning back when asking for rain in a one event ritual would require the practitioner to raise their consciousness into the atmosphere and manipulate the air and electricity. That is quite a feat of magic that very few can accomplish in one event.

However, if a practitioner has knowledge of how weather works and what weather conditions are needed to bring rain without lightning,  it is possible to get rain without lightning with a bit of time and effort.

For example, I recently coordinated a weather working with several groups in three states. Our group began a week before the others. We did a working to raise the dew point and humidity. Boy, did we get a response, it was like breathing through wet cotton all week. This helped to bring about more suitable weather conditions for rain without lightning and assisted in putting out some major fires in our area.

The following week each group was set to a particular task to be done all at the same time and day. Those in Northern Idaho called the cool weather fronts downward. Those in Western Washington were tasked with speaking to water and asked it to join the cool fronts moving in while they focused on a gentle spring rain. A group in middle Washington spoke to Pan, guardian of the forests, to lend his power to the working for the protection of his beloved Forests. Those in Eastern Washington spoke to fire and asked it to move over to let water come play for a while. We in Western Oregon raised a cone of power and sent it to the atmosphere to amplify the workings as we created a protective bubble of gentle rain over all the areas in the working.

We also put out a public notice for all weather workers who wished to participate. Their job was a chant to hold energy for our working as they focused on a gentle spring rain. And it worked! Cooler weather and rain came, in some areas it came in mid ritual. The rain did not stay for long but the cooler weather has. We asked for and focused on a gentle spring rain because that type of rain is cooler and usually comes without lightning.

So how does one build such a relationship with the elements? The following is an entry from my personal journal of how I built a relationship with an element using clairvoyance in time and space, or as I called it in my last blog entry, bilocation.

How I create a relationship with an element is by going to that element’s realm and learning from the entities there. For the water realm I drew from my Hermetic practices and began in meditation by focusing on the angel Gabriel. In that practice, he is the guardian of the West and more.

I have been hesitant to visit Gabriel’s realm because of my emotions. so it has been many months since I have sat before my altar with such an undertaking. Consequently, it took a while for me to clean my altar, set it for water and get back in touch with its vibrations before I began my meditation. part of this was sitting back, drinking coffee and contemplating the work at hand.

Once I got in tune with the altar and the working I light my candles and reflect more on Gabriel and water. My daily consciousness dropped faster than I suspected and I moved right into the meditative state and I suddenly see myself in the Star Card f the Rider Waite Deck of the Tarot. There is a blue sky of stars and sun behind me. I lay naked at the waters edge, legs open wide. Water is pouring out from between my legs and filling the pond.

Creatures of all kinds are coming to drink and I hear a voice say “Water is life for all. Water is a sacred feminine embryonic thing for all, animals, plants, people, rocks, and even air.”

With that, I travel deeper into trance as I am transported to a realm just above the horizon line of the sea. Once there I begin to look for Gabriel. A voice tells me Gabriel is feminine. I accept this, yet never get a glimpse of Gabriel. Instead, I see a dark-skinned arm and hand that reaches out and takes a pinch of a cloud. The hand then rubs it between its fingers until all that remains are water droplets. I am aware this is Gabriel who then says “All things are water even the sky” She goes on to say all things live in a bubble of water and air but it is so large that it seems infinite to you. As she speaks I clairvoyantly see many lands and realms. Gabriel says” The realm of water is the gateway to all liquid realms and worlds and they are vast.”

Gabriel’s tone is droll and slightly annoyed when she tells me”You do not get rain when you ask for it because most of you leave out the element of air, it is H20 after all. You cannot get water without air.”

Then with a flick of a finger, we move across the sky. Past the sunset, past the stars, and into the darkness. I have some trepidation being in this dark with Gabriel. She senses that and says “Water and air are combined in all things, wood, rock, fabric, space, and dark matter. Water is life everywhere, your atmosphere,, your bubble, of water and air, and spark,( a hint at the element of fire) the energy that makes it happen, the earth is the receiver.” Gabriel goes on as I wait in the darkness with her. ” Water is creator, and destroyer, the shaper, and transportation, not transformation! Water transports itself and things along.”

I begin to wonder what role emotions have here when she responds by saying “it is not the refective part of water nor the mirror image that that shows you yourself, it is the darkness. You find your truth in the depths of darkness that the realm of water holds.”

I was a bit nervous at her intensity when she lightly said, For rain invoke us together for the twins that we are. (meaning air and water) Then I was released from the working.

Because of such workings, I now have a greater understanding of the element of water. I know more about what it means, its depths, how it works, and its purpose. Such a connection with this element makes it easier to get a response to my weather magic requests and for me to listen to it when it speaks to me.

Such is the way of the elements and clairvoyance in time and space.

Kitty Litter

I find it interesting the perception many get from an individual’s public life versus their personal life. Years ago I became a fan of a female author on Facebook, later a friend of mine connected us as friends. As I viewed her posts I become even more of a fan and really looked up to her. Later on, we began to chat and got to know each other. I remember telling her in a text once that I would love to sit one evening and drink with her. She replied she was not that exciting, that is when I began to see and get to really know her instead of what I perceived through social media. Today I admire and value her even more.

If you follow me and have read my bio, or my blog introduction there is much you will know about me. However, life behind the scenes is both more difficult and simple for me than it seems to be online. A friend once told me things were not as easy for her as they are for me. I about choked. She had no idea how hard it is for me to do simple things on a regular basis. I have to work very hard to accomplish things sometimes. This is because I have ADHD, or as I have come to learn, I am Neuro-Diverse, and impulsive. Sometimes I struggle with obsessive thinking too. This means change can be difficult or even anger me when I can’t figure it out.

I equate my memory and thinking process to swiss cheese and you never know which hole it will flow through. It is also why I say I am the most difficult child I have ever raised! Much of my mental time is spent managing my impulsiveness with self-talk like, no, you are not going to do that, no you do not need to do that and so on. This all has to get wrangled and pushed aside for me to focus on a task or to make a plan of action.

My property is where I think this shows the most. There is so much I want to do yet it all seems so big and I battle with getting overwhelmed or giving up. I do my best to accept that it is okay for me to be scattered or not to get the huge to-do list I have done. It is okay to leave things partially done, even if it is difficult for others around me to deal with that, because that is who and what I am.

I get on my own case about it all the time, it is my inner discipline. This is why I tell folks I am well aware of the messes I leave behind. I get frustrated with my messes and incomplete tasks too.  I do not need criticism about it, because I already have enough of that in playing in my head  that I am trying to sort through.

Often this means when I am working on a task or project it will be at the exclusion of everything else, property, dishes, laundry, and so on.

My most recent project has been my resell business. I have recently inherited quite a bit of inventory of collectibles and more. It took me a while to wrap my head around what to do with it all. I love finding bargains and selling them. I think it is what I should have been doing all along, well that and writing. Yet as is common with an impulsive person like me, I jump into things not thinking of the details that come with it.

Because this inventory is rather high-end, there have been countless hours of research into the items to discover what they are called, and their value. Then there is finding the right platform to sell it on, not to mention the right place to look for it in the first place. I have found I love that part of it too! Who knew!

Yesterday I finally managed to get the many boxes of stuff inventoried and out of my dining room and office. You can see the floor! Oooh, the floor which I have not swept in a week or more.

Ah yes once I am done with a project awareness of everything else comes flooding in. Suddenly my head is full of, it is Friday and I have a blog article to write by Sunday, oh then there is my magazine article due next month, oh and I’m going out with friends Sunday, oh look at the weeds in that garden! and damn my foot and back are killing me!  And so my life goes and I love every bit of it. I have often said life is messy so enjoy it. Then once in a working with Odin he told me life is lived in the mists of chaos. It was very validating for someone like me. I am a type A and always on the go, so I guess it is a good thing I have that Neuro-Divergent hyper-activity to keep me going through the string of messes that compile my wonderful, unique, and spontaneous life that I love. Now I see my messes as creation in process, and dust in this Witches house as the leftovers of that creation and it is all magic.

What is Bilocation?

What Is Bi-Location?

In my last blog entry, I mentioned using bilocation. Bilocation in the classical sense is described as your body being seen in two places at once. Both bodies will operate fully and be seen by others. There are some recorded cases of this yet they are often described as coincidence or mistaken identity by others. However, the phrase bilocation has been around since early Greek times.

Rosemary Ellen Guiley wrote an article on bilocation in her book  Harpers Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience. In which she documents many such occurrences among Christian saints, and many more. While bilocation is uncommon it is an ancient practice. Today most know it by another name OBE.

The phrase Out Of Body Experience, that most now equate with bilocation, was not used until 1943 by Robert Monroe, who made it very popular because of his book, Journeys Out of The Body. Both books are excellent sources. Their research is why I believe that a bilocation or OBE event is very different than an astral travel event.

Another phenomenon that gets tangled up in bilocation is remote viewing. Remote viewing is traveling clairvoyantly to a location and being able to describe exactly what you see. Which has also more recently been described as an Out of Body Experience. In remote viewing or an OBE, one only sees what is in front of them at that particular location and moment in time.

The bilocation that I experience is technically described as Clairvoyance in Time and space.  I call Clairvoyance in time in space, psychic bilocation. This type of bilocation looks and feels different than those described above.

When I have an event of bilocation it usually comes as I am speaking to someone. In that moment my clairvoyance will travel through time and space revealing to me the long-range outcome of what is being discussed. It shows me the outcome of a person’s actions and how others will respond to it.

During such an event my other skills apply themselves to what I am seeing. My Claircognizance will provide knowledge like it is fact. My empathy tells me how people will feel and why as the events occur.

It is much like precognition too. But in precognition usually, only one main event will be revealed. In psychic bilocation, I get to see the ripples of people’s actions, how others will respond, and how they play out in much more detail.

These events usually occur in the middle of a conversation. As my brain begins to process what I am clairvoyantly seeing, I will usually look upwards for a second. When I do that, I am seeing the events play out. That vision can span days, weeks, months, and sometimes years into the future, I receive the whole big picture of what is to come.

I class Clairvoyance in time and space as bilocation because my body is still there engaged in conversation as my mind/ consciousness travels. I often use the term bilocation because it is an easier term for people to comprehend than Clairvoyance through time and space or telling people I am looking into the future. Which usually freaks people out a bit, even those fairly comfortable with psychism. Possessing Clairvoyance of this magnitude is why I often tell people I walk in two worlds.

I will give some examples of this type of clairvoyance in an article on weather magic and the elements as I travel the cosmos in the Green egg Autumn issue on September 25th at https://greeneggmagazine.com.

Visions of The Future

Visions of the future

Being a psychic is not always fun and games as I have said many times. Spontaneous events are not always nice, and sometimes you wish you did not know what you know. Those of us with a skill for visions, The Knowing (claircognizance), or precognition understand this very well. We also understand many people do not like hearing what we have to say when things are not good. We call that the blessing and the curse of psychism. So, buckle up peeps, because today is the day to hear about such visions.

With my mix of clairvoyance, claircognizance, and precognition, I have the ability to Bi locate and see way beyond the room or immediate area and see a way bigger picture, of what is to come on occasion.

What I have been seeing is this:

We as a nation are in a transition of a great and historical time. This change will take about 10 to 15 yrs. before we see real positive results. Currently, things are not great for many, and for others, it is only livable.

Currently, we have issues with the supply and demand of goods, prices are scary high, income has not changed enough to deal with that. This includes everything from cat food to housing and gas and everything in-between. The job market is the most insane I have ever seen in my 60yrs.

What is coming for the job market? Get vaccinated or no job for many. This will create a high unemployment rate-(Temporarily) starting with the medical professions. Some businesses will close because of it, and no longer will the job seeker find a job on every corner like it is right now. Why? Because businesses are adapting to having fewer employees and still doing okay. Unemployment benefits will be, “Get vaccinated so you can find a job”

This current housing crisis that seems to be a rich hay day for the seller, will turn into a disaster for the banks when people cannot pay their loans because of the job issues. This is not a rich hay day for the seller btw. The person selling that house is already having to pay very high taxes and interest rates on loans. Most people selling, the everyday person that is, currently cannot buy a new home for that 300,000 they just sold the old one for. That money is often their savings as they move into retirement homes and face medical bills. They are selling to hedge their savings. Yes, there are many greedy ones out there thinking ooh now is the time to sell. You know the adage, sell high buy low. That will have problems too because of the currently outrageous construction costs. Why? Because if you sell a property you have to update it to get a new buyer. This is a cycle that will eat itself to death.

Covid and the politics of the last 6 yrs. have changed so much, and now we have countries other than our own, enacting certain mandates that will come to this nation within 6-8 months, end of the year at the most. The un-vaccinated will not be able to fly, or eat in restaurants. They will have to pay their own hospital bills if they get covid, be refused services, be denied jobs or insurance and I am afraid much more.

Now is the time to put your money in credit unions, not banks. Hold on to property or share it with others. Grow a garden, and be frugal with all things, because the next few years of this transition are gonna be hard for most of us.

The afflicted are not sitting quietly anymore, they are angrily rising. We have finally hit the time when the many are no longer afraid of the few. Oberon Zell and I did an article together right after covid it hit, that talks about the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” In that movie, there is a key phrase, “Humans only change on the brink of disaster” in other words when they are forced to, and we are living that now.

In the next 10 to 15 yrs. many Americans will be forced to face their commercialism, their taking things for granted, their gluttony, their pride and have to realize their privilege. Many are having to now and they do not like it. Oh, I do not expect we as a nation will address those things fully until they are abolished, but we will be taking a turn toward lessening them out of necessity. When we do, then we will be ready to address climate change, which also is a repeating cycle, but on a much grander scale of time.

Because of all of the ugly things I mention above, many laws will first change for the worse, then they will change for the better. We see this happening in the news every day currently. Jobs will change for the better, working at home will be a more acceptable option for many businesses, because they will be forced to offer that as an option when the crunch really hits. The housing market and laws will change for the better because of what we are enduring now. And believe it or not, things will also improve for the homeless. Why? because it is not just the usual “bum” that is homeless, hungry, and out of work anymore. The doom and gloom will not last forever tho.

Do not expect instant results either. All of these changes will be slow because we are in a time of transition. But you can trust in the knowledge that change for the better is coming. You can trust this because you now have the foresight of what is coming and can prepare wisely, calmly, and quietly for such changes. What else is the gift of sight for if not for that?

In next week’s blog entry I will write about Bi-Location.

Personal contradictions and dualities


Personal contradictions and dualities

Every day social media asks the ultimate loaded question: “What is on your mind?” Well in the age of instantly knowing everything at once how can we not have too much on our minds? This highlights one of many dualities, how do we care about everything going on in the world and balance that with time for ourselves? I do not mean doing fun things with friends and family here. I mean us personally. In this fast-paced world taking time to feel, to grieve, to be happy, to cry, to enjoy a moment alone, time to let ourselves really feel everything we need to in order to properly think and process is not encouraged. That is until Covid.

During the lockdowns, the feelings we had stuffed from being so busy began to rise. Anger was at the forefront. Anger at the way the world was, anger at the way our jobs are or are not, housing, health, murder, civil rights and so much more. The onslaught of media has us angry at all of these things. Then we are angry at the politicians for not doing enough fast enough.

But here is the thing about that part. They can’t do enough fast enough no more than we can as an individual, and that is what angers us the most because it highlights how powerless and overwhelmed, we feel, so we project our feelings towards them and everyone.

There is an implied assumption fueled by the media that they should do more when we feel our world is such a mess. We forget they are people with emotions, health needs, and families that get overwhelmed or bogged down in rules and laws that we put in place. In our anger and sense of powerlessness, we forget that, so we blame, judge get angry, and lash out at everyone. Does that let them off the hook? No, but they need time we do not feel we can give them.

Rather than letting our anger and feelings run if we could acknowledge our sense of powerlessness and anger then begin to do something that we do have control over it would ease our anger and powerlessness. This would give us time to think, feel and simply be for a moment. Doing things like gardening, laundry, meditating, taking time to cry, grieve, laugh, do a hobby, getting the mail, changing the house around, go outside for five minutes, or most anything that is for us personally gives us solace, a sense of control and a sense of being right in our corner of the world.

When we participate in the fervor of the blame game on media, we forget we are responsible for giving ourselves solace and control. This is not the job of anyone outside of us, not politicians not loved ones, just ourselves. However, because we are human it is much easier to lash out at others or let ourselves be baited by others.

This happens simply because we are human, does that let us off the hook? No. No more than it does the politician. We are accountable for ourselves, our anger, our being judgmental, and for giving to ourselves, all of it. Is this easy? No! Are we bad people because we fall into these traps? Only if we do not pull ourselves out of them and take joy in it or let it become the person we are.

I think under all the anger and feeling of powerlessness, most people’s hearts and souls are quite different. I think more people than not say to themselves “It should not be this way” or “That is not how I really feel” or have remorse for something they said or did in a heated moment. When we feel this way it is the time for accountability.

That feeling is our que we have done something against our inner nature. To be accountable we can apologize or own our stuff in some fashion. That redemption is what keeps us liking ourselves and quells our anger. If we do not do this, we end up hating life, everything in it, and ourselves too. This leads to feeling even more powerless and it becomes a cycle.

I know we are not encouraged to admit we were wrong or did a bad thing. It is perceived as weak and we are taught it only opens us up to attack shame or rejection. Society has us fearing a societal consequence while ignoring the personal consequence which is much more destructive to our lives. We end up feeling miserable and hopeless. Then we act miserable because our emotions come out in our actions and words.

It took me a while to figure this all out and I am by no means perfect at it. But each day, in moderation, I do what I can to tell myself that taking care of myself, doing things for myself, is more important than anything or anyone. We have all seen what can happen when the individual goes too far with self-importance. I am talking about doing this in a healthy way, in moderation, with accountability, responsibility, and humility.

Humility is another taboo in our society. It too is a contradiction and duality the human being has. I once said confidence is symbiotic with arrogance and is difficult to temper with humility. But we as humans must temper it or we have all the things that have been discussed previously. We end up with what we see on social media. An attitude of “screw other people they do nothing for me.” We see disregard and dissolution with anyone perceived as an authority or someone offering their own view. Most on social media are people angrily yelling I matter more. This is because they have not turned their attention to themselves. Listened to themselves, loved themselves and they still think it is the job of others to make them feel valid.

It is not the job of others to make you feel as though you matter or that you are valid and heard, because they will always fall short of your expectations, only you can meet your own expectations fully. You will feel discounted and invalid until you validate yourself in a way only you can.

As I write that I am well aware many will take issue with my words and misunderstand them, all for the reasons stated above. When I say it is not the job of others to make sure you matter, I am not talking about civil rights, gender, or anything like that, I speak only of the inner self.

The human being is a complicated critter, and because of social conditioning and social media, our inner conflicts and dualities have only gotten more complicated. I have even had to address my own misogyny and behaviors that were conditioned into me as I grew up. I did so because I realized it was in direct conflict with my beliefs about gender, relationships, and love, and I have many more I need to deal with, we all do. It is lifetime work however, it is my self-acceptance and humility that allows me to say so openly without fear of what others will say because the kind of person I am matters the most to me, not them.

So, what keeps us in duality and contradictions that no longer serve us? Fear. Mostly what others think and social consequences. But the biggest one is the fear of change and the unknown. But here is the most obvious and unstated and unrecognized thing about that, rather we change or not we still have consequences. So the way I see it I would rather have consequences that are mine to deal with, consequences that come from me not others. This allows me to stop worrying about what others think or what they will do. It is an interesting duality to be sure.

In nature there is duality in all things, a light side a dark side, an upside a downside, a green side, and a dark green side. However, with nature, we embrace and accept that, we seldom accept that about ourselves or say it is ok because in our society it is a taboo to admit that about ourselves. If we admit our duality and contradictions, we are seen as broken or in need of mental health. I feel it is just who I am and it is my job to manage that the best I can. It is not the job of my friends, loved ones, social media, or the media to monitor those contradictions and dualities or even to give me advice about it.

The job of others is to see you as clearly as you see yourself and love you anyway. It is their job to trust that you are handling it because they will really know you when you are that transparent. If they do not, take care of you and move on in some fashion. Yet in human contradiction and duality, it is the human passion to point out someone else’s faults to them as though they are five years old.

It is true sometimes people do not see their duality and contradictions. If so and you are close to them then this is the time it is appropriate to offer insight. But you will not know if they are aware until you take a risk and ask first before assuming and telling them what you think they should do.

Another contradiction and duality is how far people will go to avoid what they perceive as conflict or to take the risk of being honest and speak up or ask a question. Again, fear puts us in this place. I do not fear this because I am the one dealing with me and any fallout is my responsibility, not theirs. It is the most liberating place I have ever been even when it makes those, I love uncomfortable.

People have tried for many years to keep me within their idea of safe and protected to no avail. They attempt this because it is comfortable for them to see others do as they would do. It validates their position, feelings, and perceptions. It also allows them to not face things that are different than what they would do or what they see as reasonable. The way my family raised me was the greatest contradiction of all. They raised me to be an honest free thinker and doer, that is until I was that way toward them because it made them face their own choices, words, and actions. This is the meaning behind the statement “others are a mirror of your own issues.”

In summary, we all have duality and contradictions because we are human and we are built that way, so we may as well accept that about ourselves and of others and make it work for us instead of feeling broken and quit fussing so much about how others do things on a personal level. Which is yet another contradiction and duality in the human being, we all want autonomy, many demand it, yet they spend so much time interfering with the autonomy of others. I find human beings to be complex, exhausting, and amusing creatures.



Continued from “Meeting Manannan”

“You must seek the Morrigan,” he said then he released me back to the sea, a signal the event was over and I woke up.

Still and spent I sat before the altar catching my breath and contemplating my encounter. I find myself thinking if Manannan is this intense I should wait a while before encountering the Morrigan. I begin giving gratitude for the encounter with him by lighting sweet grass. I pour eclipse water and some water from Bridget’s well a friend brought me from Ireland in the chalice and think of how to proceed with the Morrigan. Then I take a sip from the chalice to her in acknowledgment thinking, “soon lady soon”

As I swallow the waters, I begin to feel an immediate psychic response and once again get transported back into trance. My consciousness is not in control. It is like I am observing myself. I pull the scarf over my head and put my head down with my hands up toward the altar. The Morrigan has arrived. I can feel her forceful power before me and within me. Clairvoyantly I see her in every detail standing before me. I lower myself in her mighty presence, hands up. She looks down at me and says “You will stand with me in sovereignty and she compels me to physically stand up.

My legs are asleep from being on the floor for the last hour or so from the previous working and do not want to work. All of this is going through my mind as I hear her command “You are Fae, you are Tuatha De Dannon you will stand! True to self and ancestor!

Shakily I rise. Once I am at full height and facing her she touches my chest with her spear. My chest thrust forward, my head fell back, my arms went wide. I feel her sovereign power coursing through me. Clairvoyantly I see her history running through my mind like a fast-moving film clip. My body is suspended that way as she transports me to her side in trance.

“Are you a sovereign being?” she asks. Yes! “Are you of the people?” She asks. I knew she meant her people. Yes! “ Are you a warrior of the people? Yes! I reply.

Suddenly my physical body collapses to the floor. In trance I am now face down at her feet. She stands above me with her spear pointed down at me and she commands me to swear fealty to her.

I cry out to Odin whom I had been very close with. I see him present behind her, he looks on quietly saying nothing, looking disappointed. She commands fealty again and my body feels pain as her spear touches me. I did not want to swear fealty, so I swear sovereignty with her. I feel the pain as she spears me again. She asks for fealty again and I say I will stand with you. In that moment I see Odin turn his back and my heart breaks at the gesture.

I thought swearing sovereignty with her and saying I would stand with her was a way around swearing fealty to her and no other. That might be so in the world of humans but apparently not so in the world of the gods.

As I lay l there crying from the experience and the pain still face down, I clairvoyantly see Odin. He says, “You cannot have us both, you swore an oath to her” and he leaves.

In my time working with the Morrigan she helped me be strong when I really needed it. She helped to keep me focused on what I need for success in life. When that work was done it was difficult to get released from her fealty/oath. But it was more difficult getting back into Odin’s good graces once I did. I had many trials to face, but that is another story.



Funny what you find when running down rabbit holes. I recently came across my very first published contribution to a book. I had completely forgotten about it! About halfway down the list, you will see my name as a contributor.

Book, Pagan Planet: Being, Believing & Belonging in the 21 Century by Nimue Brown (Goodreads Author) (Editor)


Arietta Bryant (Goodreads Author) (Contributor) Jo Ashbeth Coffey (Contributor), John Halstead (Contributor), Laura Perry (Contributor), Brendan Howlin (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Rachel Patterson (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Morgan Daimler (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Robin Herne (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Sheena Cundy (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Yvonne Ryves (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Pete Jennings (Contributor ), Romany Rivers (Goodreads Author) (Contributor), Hilde Liesens (Contributor ), Adele Sutcliffe (Contributor ), Mark Rosher (Contributor ), Calantirniel (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Crystal Rainfeather (Contributor ), France’s Billinghurst (Contributor ), Cat Gina Cole (Contributor ), Irisanya (Contributor ), James Middleditch (Contributor ), Jay Cassels (Contributor ), Ian Chandler (Contributor), Jenny Uzzell (Contributor ), John Awen (Contributor ), Lady Laeynarrie Auvresti (Contributor ), Lyn Thurman (Contributor ), Mabh Savage (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Marie Strang (Contributor ), Rosie Weaver (Contributor ), Talis Kimberley-Fairbourn (Contributor ), Rufus Brock Maychild (Contributor ), Samantha Leaver (Contributor ), Mike Stygal (Foreword), Oakwood Leaf (Contributor ), Simon Wakefield (Contributor ), Sindy Leah Coumes Fitz (Contributor ), Breaca Aranwen of Albion (Contributor ), Thea Prothero (Contributor ), Robert L. Scott (Contributor ), Lorna Smithers (Contributor), Fiona Tinker (Goodreads Author) (Contributor), Hearth Moon Rising (Goodreads Author) (Contributor ), Edwina Hodkinson (Contributor ), James Nichol (Contributor)

This blurb follows the contributor’s list in the original post.

“What does it mean to live as a Pagan in this uncertain world of climate change, economic hardship and worldwide social injustice? What does it mean to hold nature as sacred when ravaging the land is commonplace? How do we live our Paganism in our families and homes, our communities and countries? Pagans are stepping up in all kinds of ways. This is a Moon Books community project, sharing the energy and inspiration of people who are making a difference at whatever level makes sense to them. This is a book of grass-roots energy, of walking your talk and the tales of people who are, by a vast array of means, engaged with being the change they wish to see in the world.”

Later as I poked around I found this article to go with it at…


Pagan Planet (new from Moon Books this month) is a community project, which means there’s a lot of contributors. Over the coming weeks we’re profiling contributors here on the blog, partly as a way of thanking them for being involved, partly to share something of the breadth of experience that has gone into this book. Over to Cat…

“Hello, I am Cat Gina Cole, a lifetime student of the Psychic arts and the Craft. I was trained by my Mother and Grandmother and was solitary until 2010 when I found Rowan Tree now I am team leader of Rowan Tree Spiritual Community in Medford Oregon. We are a small community our (website is (no longer an active website. You can currently follow us at Rouge Valley Pagans group on Facebook). We also have a very active group. We are an open circle, meaning all are welcomed. We are rooted in Paganism with Universal and New Age overtones. Our Rituals follow the Wheel of the Year and the Moons. Our school is non-denominational Spirituality. We encourage each person to find the spiritual path that works best for them and then take that into their own communities while exposing them to many paths and many modalities. We have a class site at xx ( No longer an active website) that further explains our program. Our Team offers, readings, energy work, crystal healings, and spiritual counseling. We welcome you all, blessed be.

Cat contributed to Pagan Planet with an essay about her experience of Eclectic Paganism as a path.

Here is the link where you can get the book and see the original post.
