Chapter 8 Dreamwork

Introduction to Dreams

We each have our definition of what dreams are and what part of the brain they come from. Dreams are the re-creation of the information to and from different parts of the brain that we typically do not use during daily consciousness.

Dreams nurture the mind and soul. They spiritually and non-spiritually guide the individual. While we all dream, not everyone remembers their dreams. If I go a couple of weeks without remembering my dreams, I get uneasy and edgy. This tells me that other things in my life are out of balance and need attention.

Dreams are a form of psychic energy that emanates from the guiding principle within us and enters through our subconscious mind. Dreams usually involve the present and past as a person works through issues. However, not all images in a dream have some significance to the dreamer.

Then there are psychic dreams, which can include precognition, clairvoyance, or telepathy. Dreams even can be shared between two or more people. Other dreams have past life content or are lucid. Lucid means the dreamer is aware of the dream and in some cases can direct its outcome.

 Dream Exercise

Always try to meditate on any dream fragments and hard to remember dreams. Doing so increases your ability to lucid dream.

For this exercise, go right to your meditation space after waking up from a dream. Once in a meditative state, let yourself slip back into a near hypnopompic state and visualize the dream you just left. This must be done in a languid state and not forced. Let the dream state take over but do not fall asleep.

Sometimes we are not meant to remember our dreams. I had a troubling dream one night and my dog woke me from it every time I went back to sleep. She would not leave me alone when I attempted to meditate on it. I figured the dream was not meant to be remembered. Sometimes we must listen to the signs and when a door closes let it close. While dreams are a category of their own, they also fall under psychism and are a vast subject that needs some definitions applied to narrow it all down.

More from Chapter 8 Dreams…..

The Dream State

A dream state is the activity of the mind during sleep that is between the lower beta and upper alpha levels. The dream state is a level of consciousness during sleep where a person’s mental activity is busy producing visions of people and scenery. This occurs along with impressions of speaking and emotions. Dreams occur at ninety-minute intervals throughout a normal night of sleep. The visions of stories or fragments in dreams last between five to forty-five minutes and increase in length towards morning. This stage displays low beta waves and high alpha waves in EEG readouts where the sleeper’s eyes move rapidly under closed lids and is detectable.

Dreams can present in still scenes or story form. A dreamer can dream as a subject, a spectator, or both at the same time. They can be black and white or color. In dreams, the dreamer typically understands any conversation through telepathy.