Visions of The Future

Visions of the future

Being a psychic is not always fun and games as I have said many times. Spontaneous events are not always nice, and sometimes you wish you did not know what you know. Those of us with a skill for visions, The Knowing (claircognizance), or precognition understand this very well. We also understand many people do not like hearing what we have to say when things are not good. We call that the blessing and the curse of psychism. So, buckle up peeps, because today is the day to hear about such visions.

With my mix of clairvoyance, claircognizance, and precognition, I have the ability to Bi locate and see way beyond the room or immediate area and see a way bigger picture, of what is to come on occasion.

What I have been seeing is this:

We as a nation are in a transition of a great and historical time. This change will take about 10 to 15 yrs. before we see real positive results. Currently, things are not great for many, and for others, it is only livable.

Currently, we have issues with the supply and demand of goods, prices are scary high, income has not changed enough to deal with that. This includes everything from cat food to housing and gas and everything in-between. The job market is the most insane I have ever seen in my 60yrs.

What is coming for the job market? Get vaccinated or no job for many. This will create a high unemployment rate-(Temporarily) starting with the medical professions. Some businesses will close because of it, and no longer will the job seeker find a job on every corner like it is right now. Why? Because businesses are adapting to having fewer employees and still doing okay. Unemployment benefits will be, “Get vaccinated so you can find a job”

This current housing crisis that seems to be a rich hay day for the seller, will turn into a disaster for the banks when people cannot pay their loans because of the job issues. This is not a rich hay day for the seller btw. The person selling that house is already having to pay very high taxes and interest rates on loans. Most people selling, the everyday person that is, currently cannot buy a new home for that 300,000 they just sold the old one for. That money is often their savings as they move into retirement homes and face medical bills. They are selling to hedge their savings. Yes, there are many greedy ones out there thinking ooh now is the time to sell. You know the adage, sell high buy low. That will have problems too because of the currently outrageous construction costs. Why? Because if you sell a property you have to update it to get a new buyer. This is a cycle that will eat itself to death.

Covid and the politics of the last 6 yrs. have changed so much, and now we have countries other than our own, enacting certain mandates that will come to this nation within 6-8 months, end of the year at the most. The un-vaccinated will not be able to fly, or eat in restaurants. They will have to pay their own hospital bills if they get covid, be refused services, be denied jobs or insurance and I am afraid much more.

Now is the time to put your money in credit unions, not banks. Hold on to property or share it with others. Grow a garden, and be frugal with all things, because the next few years of this transition are gonna be hard for most of us.

The afflicted are not sitting quietly anymore, they are angrily rising. We have finally hit the time when the many are no longer afraid of the few. Oberon Zell and I did an article together right after covid it hit, that talks about the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” In that movie, there is a key phrase, “Humans only change on the brink of disaster” in other words when they are forced to, and we are living that now.

In the next 10 to 15 yrs. many Americans will be forced to face their commercialism, their taking things for granted, their gluttony, their pride and have to realize their privilege. Many are having to now and they do not like it. Oh, I do not expect we as a nation will address those things fully until they are abolished, but we will be taking a turn toward lessening them out of necessity. When we do, then we will be ready to address climate change, which also is a repeating cycle, but on a much grander scale of time.

Because of all of the ugly things I mention above, many laws will first change for the worse, then they will change for the better. We see this happening in the news every day currently. Jobs will change for the better, working at home will be a more acceptable option for many businesses, because they will be forced to offer that as an option when the crunch really hits. The housing market and laws will change for the better because of what we are enduring now. And believe it or not, things will also improve for the homeless. Why? because it is not just the usual “bum” that is homeless, hungry, and out of work anymore. The doom and gloom will not last forever tho.

Do not expect instant results either. All of these changes will be slow because we are in a time of transition. But you can trust in the knowledge that change for the better is coming. You can trust this because you now have the foresight of what is coming and can prepare wisely, calmly, and quietly for such changes. What else is the gift of sight for if not for that?

In next week’s blog entry I will write about Bi-Location.

One Reply to “Visions of The Future”

  1. What a well-written and thought-provoking article! It offered new perspectives and was very engaging. Im curious to hear other opinions. Feel free to visit my profile for more related content.

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