Classes and Services

Expand Your Spiritual and Magical Journey Through Classes With Cat Gina Cole

Cat Gina Cole’s Classes and Services offer a diverse range of learning opportunities all tailored to your unique journey. Whether you’re looking to enhance your psychic skills, build magical skills and knowledge, explore spiritual practices, or delve into the world of shadow work, there is a class or session for you. Our classes and personal sessions are designed for flexible learning, each at your own pace. this means that homework and skills taught will be chosen for your specific needs and learning style.

All classes begin with a one-on-one video call to determine your needs and knowledge level. If Cat feels she cannot meet those needs or expectations she is happy to assist you with further placement and assistance.

Individual Psychic Skills Classes

Description: Enhance your psychic skills with Cat at your own pace. In this class, you can discover hidden skills, explore new skills, or brush up on ones you already use. The book Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft by Cat Gina Cole is recommended but not required.

Price: $20 per session. Session length is flexible, and payment arrangements are possible.

Payment: Contact to Make Payment arrangement or visit the shop. 

Guidance for Spiritual Practices

Description: Explore your spiritual path with sessions that adapt to your preferences. Cat focuses on helping you choose a spiritual path that best suits who you are as an individual. Cat is an interfaith practitioner and can help guide you toward any spiritual path.

Price: $20 per session. Session length is flexible, and payment arrangements can be discussed.

Payment: Contact to Make Payment arrangement or visit the shop. 

Full Psychic Skills Course

Description: Immerse yourself in psychic skills as we work through the book Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft led by the author Cat Gina Cole. This class gives a more in-depth look behind the topics chapter by chapter and explores many things not in the book, which is the required text for this class.

Price: $20 per class. Session length is flexible, and payment arrangements can be tailored to your needs.

Payment: Contact to Make Payment arrangement or visit the shop. 

Individual Guidance for Shadow Work

Description: Tailored sessions for shadow work with a flexible schedule tailored to your needs and progress. Cat explains what shadow work is and why we do it. Then takes you on a journey through your own shadows.

Price: $20 per class. Session lengths are adjustable, and payment arrangements are available.

Payment:Contact to Make Payment arrangement or visit the shop. 

Work-Study and Exchange

Description: There are two such openings per class. Work-study is a service exchange, you provide a service or product in exchange for classes. Such arrangements are adaptable and types of exchanges have a wide variety.

Disclaimer: Please note that our sessions can border on mental and emotional health topics. Cat Gina Cole, is a retired Master of Social Work and was a dual diagnosis counselor for 15 years. She combines her professional skills with lifelong experience as a Psychic, Witch, and Pagan. She may suggest outside counseling or referrals as needed to ensure your well-being, and for support and growth to ensure your individual needs are met.

The student and or teacher have, the right to terminate any previous agreements at any time. Payment can be made through Facebook Pay or Pay Pal. Please know there are no refunds, and I look forward to our journey together. Many Blessings to all!.

Psychic Skills For Magic and Witchcraft Course includes:

LEVEL 1-Psychic Skill  Basics:

Thoughts Are Things,  Beliefs, The Pause Skill, Sensing, Scanning, Visualization, Imagination, Meditation, Intuition, Balance, Joy, Gratitude, Spiritual Evolution, Effects of Social Conditioning, Social Conditioning, What Is It? Self-Tapes, Ego, Fake It Till You Make It, Pivoting, Trust, Letting Go, Spiritual Letting Go

LEVEL 2 Developing Intuitive Skills
Five faculties of The Mind, Perception, Reason, Intellect, Discernment, Will, Intuition, Seeing, Synchronicity, Manifesting To Create, Spiritual Creation, Magic, Law of Attraction
Letting go In psychism, Fear, Faith, Caution, The Practice of Stepping Aside, Stepping Aside parts 1-5, Empathic Skills Clairempathic, Pathworking, Rescuing vs helping, Remote Viewing, OBE Trancework, Psychometry, Clairvoyance, Clairvoyance In Time and Space, Claircognizance, Precognition, Telepathy, Familiarity, Glamor, Enchantment, Invisibility, The Mantic arts and Kinesis, Astragyromancy, Bibliomancy, Cartomancy, Crystalomancy, Hydromancy, Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Automatic Writing

LEVEL 3 Advancing Your Skills
Working with Spirits and Deity, UPG- Unverified Personal Gnosis, Spirits, Guides, Working With Deity, The Veil, Necromancy and, Mediumship, Séance, Aspecting, Channeling,
Introduction To Dreams, Historical Beliefs About Dreams, Nature of Dreams, Pre-Dream States, Dream Work, The Dream State, Dream Avoidance, Psychic Dreams, Dream Control, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel, Sleep Paralysis, Astral Planes, Astral Body, Astral Realms, Portals, Multi-Verses, Time-lines, The Cosmos, Over the Hedge, Flying, Psychic Liberation, Paradox’s, What they don’t tell you, Compartmentalizing, Detachment, Disassociation, Self-Compassion, Spontaneous Event, The Hidden Psychic-The Marginalized, The Psychic Amplifier, and The Emotional Connection.