This was a question asked in a zoom group this week. My reply was a resounding yes!

I have been an active lucid dreamer since I can remember. My dreams are everything to me. They guide my life, solve my problems, teach me magic and take me to wonderous places. My world is not complete unless I have my dreams, they are such a huge part of me and my magical practice. In my book Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft, which will be released February 2022, I wrote an entire chapter devoted to dreams where you will see how and why they are so important to me.

Dreams are the cornerstone of spirituality; they are its creation and continuation. Many of our magical practices that have been recorded over time were inspired by dreams.

I am in quite a few Pagan groups on Facebook and one of the most common questions asked is to have someone interpret their dream. Reading and learning from others is very beneficial and will teach you a lot. Such activities will give you the language of dreams and teach you the basic concepts.

However, in the end, only you know the real meaning of your dreams. The symbols in the dream are the symbols your mind and spirit relate to. While it is beneficial to discuss them with others who may be able to provide some clues and insight, your dreams are about how they made you feel, what they made you think, and the best way to interpret their meaning is by meditating on them or writing about them.

Being used to spiritual dreams, I was merely curious one morning two years ago, as I woke with a lingering dream. In the dream, I was instructed to make a body oil to anoint myself and to use it on January 20th with the chant I was taught in the dream. The why came when I turned on the computer to discover there was going to be a major planet alignment on that day. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury began their alignment and visibility in December and their zenith was on January 20th their movement of descent, continued on through February. During that time there had also been a four-inch shift in the Ocean floor off the coast of Oregon and the full moon was on the next day on the 21st of January.

To a witch like me, that is a lot of cosmic movement and energies. I know such movements and energies affect us even if it is subtle. I had been feeling this energy build for weeks and wondering about its cause. The morning after this dream the energy was such a good feeling energy it inspired me to raise my arms, open myself and take it in. I used this energy in all my works the rest of the day.

As a Witch, I desire to discover the properties and characteristics of such forces so I can connect with them for magical uses. To me, the main definition of witchcraft is working with the forces of nature. So, I went pouring over my book of shadows and other books to reveal the magic within this energy. By the time I was done reading I had the correspondences of each of the planets, their Deity, the Deities characteristics, and the corresponding Tarot card meaning and number for each.

This information tells me more about the specifics of the natural force. This knowledge educates me more on what I am about to do and why as I connect it all together. All this research and gathering increases my focus and the results of my magic. Then I take all the information and infuse it into my incantation and potion. It rather reminds me of Cerridwen’s year-long potion.

You say that is a lot of work for an oil you dreamed of. True. However, the research into things, what they are, what they symbolize; deepens our understanding, our knowledge and reconnects us to the natural world in a very tangible way. This work allows the energies within us to align with the energy of the cosmos, rebuilding the mystery, the awe, the power, the sacredness within us. To me, this kind of work is the craft part of witchcraft, among other things.

Now, do I do this kind of research and correspondence work for all the dreams I follow? No. Do I do such correspondence research for each bit of magic I do? No. There is a time and place for all things. Some days I might simply commune with a blade of grass as I reflect on a dream. Others I may only journal and meditate on and leave for another day. Tapping my intuition, exploring how the dream made me feel, and letting certain elements of the dream guide what I will do, has worked very well for me, and provided many wondrous things I never would have thought of on my own.



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