Chapter 10 What They Don’t Tell You


What I notice missing in most books on psychism is a conversation on how paradoxical psychism can be. Below are some of those paradoxes.

Once the door is open, it is open—which allows spontaneous events to occur. Equally, sometimes you can say no when you feel a psychic event is coming on and close the door. But this is not a 100 percent solution. Often the door you think you closed, opens in your dreams later.

Typically, you are always right, until you are not—but then you find out later you were actually right.

People typically do not want someone to tell them the truth, even when they ask for it—nor do they typically listen to the truth when they hear it. Then they say, “Why didn’t you tell me?” I used to call this the blessing and the curse of psychism and wondered why have the skill then if this is true? I have since discovered that when this occurs, the knowledge you have about what is to come is for you. So you can prepare for the fall out when things go wrong. It is a type of precognition as it were.

These paradoxes can make things difficult; however, there are several skills you can adapt to establish the boundaries between the real-world you, and your psychic self, to help ease the frustration.

Psychic Paradox Skills

The skills I speak of are compartmentalizing, detachment, disassociation, and self-compassion which is also called self-care.

In normal mental health models, these skills typically are used to help people recover from trauma. As a psychic I found it near impossible not to use these skills on a daily basis. They are part of our normal functions. So I decided I would embrace them as part of who I am and make them work for me as useful tools. I use them to reset my psyche and emotions after psychic events.

The skills discussed help psychics when they feel as though they have lived what they have experienced from a psychic event, which can leave the practitioner to deal with confusion and emotions that may not even be theirs. This creates dysphoria (confusion) and is why knowing your psychic self well, grounding, and self-care are vital after an event.

The human mind is an amazing thing. However, it does not know the difference between what you psychically see and experience and what your eyes see for real. You must be able to tell yourself which is which so the mind, emotions, and body can reset effectively. This takes compartmentalizing the information, detaching from the intensity, and then disassociating from the event. The process works in that order and helps the emotions brought on by a psychic event to be properly put in their place.

More from Chapter 10…..

Spontaneous Events

Spirits come to those who are open to hearing them whether you realize you are open or not. It does not matter if you are busy, or if you realize you are open at the time. This too is a paradox of psychism.

Many writers speak about grounding and shielding before conducting any psychic work and having control. However, psychic events do not only happen with intent and in controlled environments. Spontaneous events happen all the time with no grounding or shielding. Shielding and grounding keep you and your space protected when you can do it, but it cannot stop a spontaneous event from happening, nor can it keep the psychic experience a nice happy experience. This is because psychism only works when you are completely open to receiving stimuli.

Effective shielding and control during a spontaneous event come psychically in the moment of need as things occur, from inside your mind. The best protection a psychic has with spontaneous events is knowing their psychic self and mundane self extremely well. You must be very skilled in bringing up a psychic shield in your mind with just a thought.